What So Many Men Get Wrong About Looking for Love

Описание к видео What So Many Men Get Wrong About Looking for Love

To identify what you want in a relationship and a partner, start with self-reflection. Evaluate past relationships to pinpoint what worked and what didn’t, and identify qualities you appreciate versus deal-breakers. List your core values like honesty, loyalty, and ambition, and consider how they influence your relationship expectations.

Think about your emotional, physical, and intellectual needs, and outline your personal and professional goals to see how a partner should support or align with them. Visualise your ideal relationship, including daily activities and conflict resolution. Set relationship goals, ensuring they align with your personal values and ambitions.

Identify non-negotiables, the must-haves, and deal-breakers you cannot compromise on, like lifestyle preferences and desires for children. Describe your ideal partner’s character, shared interests, and physical and emotional compatibility, prioritising the most important traits.

When dating, be upfront about your values, goals, and non-negotiables, and ensure your potential partner understands and respects your needs. This approach will help you find someone who truly aligns with your vision for a fulfilling relationship.


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