United States v. Jing Bing Liang (2004) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary

Описание к видео United States v. Jing Bing Liang (2004) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary

Jing Bing Liang cheated at a casino by marking cards and peeking at the shoe to increase his chances of winning. He was sentenced to 27 months in prison after the government argued for a two-level sentence enhancement due to his "special skills." Liang objected, and the court examined whether cheating at cards could be considered a legitimate skill that would qualify for an enhancement. The court also considered whether Liang's "extraordinary eyesight" could be considered a skill.

United States v. Jing Bing Liang (2004)
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
362 F.3d 1200

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