Niko Is On A Weight Loss Mission! Is Castrating Your Dog A Benefit??

Описание к видео Niko Is On A Weight Loss Mission! Is Castrating Your Dog A Benefit??

Before you say anything, this was filmed before we got the motorhome haha she just needed to shed the lbs anyway. Niko and Phil both ate the same as Teddy, the only difference is the hormone balance as both Niko and Phil were castrated. As soon as they were done they put so much weight on and their diet had to change, we fed them green beans for a long time to keep volume of food up but calories significantly reduced. Whilst this worked short term, they were obviously still hungry so we had to change it up. It's all well and good saying go on longer walks or cycling etc but Phil had joint and health problems and Niko couldn't keep up either. Teddy has always eaten the same amount which shows it's down to the fluctuation in hormones having them castrated. Whilst there are big benefits to doing so, there are always negatives to contend with too. Castration is said to be better for pedigrees to reduce complications, it calms down males stops the marking as a whole and the female dogs being in season but you have to consider other elements and weigh it up for you (forgive the pun)


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