D&D Beyond sold to HASBRO — DnDBeyond — DnDB

Описание к видео D&D Beyond sold to HASBRO — DnDBeyond — DnDB

Well this is an interesting turn of events. Or was it? Before each new edition is seems HASBRO tries to collect all its IP back in house so nobody can mess with the next iteration of the game. Does this mean HASBRO is planning a 6E even if WotC claimed the 2024 release would be backwards compatible? Does this mean Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 will soon lose rights to D&D content?

Hollywood Reporter: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/bus...
Business Wire: https://www.businesswire.com/news/hom...
D&D: https://dnd.wizards.com/news/announce...
DNDB: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1221-...

#DNDB #DNDBeyond #HASBRO #ChrisCocks #CynthiaWilliams #DnD #DungeonsandDragons #WotC #WizardsoftheCoast #WizardsDigitalandGaming #WDaG #FANDOM #r20 #Roll20 #FantasyGrounds #FantasyGroundsUnity #FantasyGroundsClassic #SmiteWorks #GLEEMAX


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