Transformers One - Official Trailer REACTION & BREAKDOWN

Описание к видео Transformers One - Official Trailer REACTION & BREAKDOWN

Transformers One - Official Trailer REACTION & BREAKDOWN. what's going on you guys this is your boy rvg AKA the random black gamer bringing you a reaction for Transformers one the official trailer yes it is high time that we jump into Cybertron I originally planned on getting this thing out a lot sooner but for whatever reason Paramount thought it would be a genius idea to hit us with that oky do that bait and switch by literally launching a trailer in space as their title implied I don't think they're in the best position to be doing things like that especially when it comes to the Phantom that's been let or let down so many times with these films I just think they need to keep their heads low and just put out something that's going to reassure us that we're going to be back in full effect and we're going to get that Transformers greatness I have no idea what this trailer is going to entail but hopefully it showcases not only awesome animation but Stellar voice performances done by this new cast which for the most part is going to be sold on that particular aspect because it has big names like Chris H worth and Scarlett Johansson and Brian Ty Henry as Optimus Prime or Orion Pax uh Alita one and Megatron respectively so I don't know what to expect man but hopefully it's good cuz based on the thumbnail it looks like we're in good hands it looks like we back so without further Ado let's go ahead and jump into this and see what they're talking about because I am ready here we go hey what is up Transformers fans all right man we got three minutes like please don't let it just be most of them talking it drop it please get this MC get out of


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