Описание к видео FFXIV P12S Superchain 2A ALL PATTERNS

- Always start at the orb that has a short non-green tether to it.
- The first orb is always N or S and is out + pairs.
- The 2nd orb is always in the center of arena and is donut.
- The 3rd orb can be either N or S (on the side you started or the opposite side are oth possible) and can be either proteans or pairs.
- Her wings always light up from the bottom (unlike after Superchain 1 where it's random).
- You only need to swap sides once, i.e. all 3 wings will never be on the same side.

You need 3 pieces of information before the castbar can finish:
1. Do we go straight or U-turn? (Look at the orbs tethered to the starting orb. If the long tether is green, it's straight through. Otherwise, U-turn.)
2. Which side do we start on?
3. When do we swap sides?

- If it's U-turn, you don't have to go very far into the middle.
- Healers and ranged may need sprint to make it out of the chariot at the initial orb.
- Tanks and melee should not start too far in front because there is a chariot in the middle. Recommended position for MT + M1 is for your character model to still be touching the initial superchain orb (see 2:54 for an example)
- The last orb resolves AFTER the 3rd wing cleave. WAIT for the wing cleave to resolve before moving into your protean/partner position.

Raidplan: https://raidplan.io/plan/JwYezzNAy3B4...

0:00 Straight + Never swap
0:32 Straight + Swap after 1st
1:06 Straight + Swap after 2nd
1:39 U-turn + Never swap
2:12 U-turn + Swap after 1st
2:45 U-turn + Swap after 2nd

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