Go In Peace

Описание к видео Go In Peace

Memorial video (slideshow) about Jonathan Brandis. That's "Close your Eyes" from the BTVS soundtrack, and an original piece called "Take Care J-Dog" from his 'Requiem' of 2004.

This was my very first video, named after the comment Jonathan's mother put on the back side of the memory card she sent to anyone who sent the family a condolence.

The video is so deeply personal and elicits so much emotion that even this much later, it still is a tough thing for me to watch - but the message was always, (and will always be) sincere.

The second portion (after the big orchestral return) is attempting to show that Jon's legacy continues, even after his death, and that, as it says, "no light that was born in love can ever be extinguished".

Now, more than two decades after his leaving us, I can see that I was right.

Rest in peace, my friend.

The quote at the end (May God come between you and Harm in all the Empty Places you must walk) comes from an inscription in the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amun, an Egyptian pharaoh who died some 3200 years ago at the age of 19.

That hope still applies.
"Ka-le-phe, bu-tse-po."


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