臨水夫人Lady Linshui|第二集Ep02|順天聖母陳靖姑傳奇|護胎保胎 消災祛病|福建古田臨水宮祖廟

Описание к видео 臨水夫人Lady Linshui|第二集Ep02|順天聖母陳靖姑傳奇|護胎保胎 消災祛病|福建古田臨水宮祖廟

宋淳祐年間,福建名宦徐清叟將陳靖姑慈愛為民護胎保胎的事情禀報朝廷懇求“增加封號 宏其廟宇”。朝廷最終准奏,賜額“順懿”,臨水宮祭祀入到國家祀典。各地祀奉陳靖姑的大小廟宇隨之應運而生。清光緒二年(1876年),臨水宮祖廟迎來了一次大整修,主殿最前端的古戲台,是臨水宮建築的精華所在。一起來了解這段歷史與文化。
#中國 #文化 #民間故事 #信仰 #古田臨水宮祖廟

During the Chunyou Period of Song Dynasty, Xu Qingsou, a famous official in Fujian reported to the imperial court about Chen Jinggu's love for the people and protection of the fetus, and pleaded for "giving her a title and building a grand temple". The imperial court accepted the suggestions finally and rewarded a plaque "Shunyi". Linshui Palace sacrificial rituals entered the national sacrificial ceremonies. Temples of all sizes dedicated to Chen Jinggu came into being in various places. In the second year in Guangxu Period of Qing Dynasty (1876), The Ancestral Temple of Linshui Palace ushered in a major renovation. The ancient stage in front of the main hall is the essence of Linshui Palace architecture. Let's take a look.
#chineseculture #asia #belief


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