MURDER Criminal Law Dean Joe-Santos Balagtas Bisquera BAR Review

Описание к видео MURDER Criminal Law Dean Joe-Santos Balagtas Bisquera BAR Review

MURDER Criminal Law Episode 2 CRIMES versus Persons Crime Mapping Conspiracy Suspect-Accused-Convict Parricide Murder Qualifying Aggravating Circumstances Duel Rape
Natural Person Killed? Spouse? Father Grandfather Great Grandfather dead? PARRICIDE Qualifying Circumstances MURDER HOMICIDE Culpa Negligence Reckless Imprudence resulting to Homicide Spouse killed in Illicit Sexual Intercourse DEATH under EXCEPTIONAL Circumstances Parent kills 18 year old Daughter in Illicit Sexual Intercourse Mother and/or Maternal Grandmother kills 3 year Old child to conceal Dishonor DUEL
UNBORN Child Killed VIOLENCE against the Pregnant Mother Mother aborts Child to conceal Dishonor Mother with no violence refuses versus gives Consent to abort her Baby Physician or Midwife aborts a pregnant woman
CONSPIRACY Elements Agreement + Decide to commit Overt Acts imperative EVIDENT PREMEDITATION versus Conspiracy Conspiracy in Direct Paticipation Wheel/Circle vs Chain Conspiracies
Principal by INDUCEMENT Principal by DIRECT PARTICIPATION Principal by INDISPENSABLE COOPERATION ACCOMPLICE Requisites to be an Accomplice Accessory after the FACT vs Accessory before the Fact Crime Participation of an Accessory Non-Conviction of the Principal can still lead to the Accessory's Conviction
Stages of a Felony - CONSUMMATED Homicide FRUSTRATED Homicide ATTEMPTED Homicide Factors to Determine the Presence of Intent to Kill - the MEANS used by the Malefactors, the Nature, Location and Number of WOUNDS sustained by the Victim, the Conduct of the Malefactors before, during or immediately after the killing of the Victim, the Circumstances under which the crime was committed and the Motives of the Accused, the Motive of the Offender and the words he uttered at the time of inflicting the injuries on the Victim.
Parricide - any person who shall kill his Father, Mother or Child, whether legitimate or ILLEGITIMATE or any of his descendants, descendants or his Spouse Direct Line Relationship is imperative in Parricide Battered Woman in Self-Defense
Homicide - any person who shall kill another with the circumstances for Murder - Reclusion Temporal - Error in Personae Homicide committed when Death follow whether the death be the precise & necessary consequence of the injuries or wounds.


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