How to Control Dollar Spot (4 Easy Steps)

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In this video, we will show you how you can get control of your dollar spot problem with professional-grade products and tips you can use at home.

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Dollar Spot can appear as small spots of light tan or yellow turf on your lawn, about the size of a US silver dollar coin, hence the name. The spots can also grow larger, but only up to 6 inches in diameter. A single lawn can have numerous spots, and spots can overlap each other to form irregular shapes. Unlike some other lawn diseases, like brown patch, the affected grass blades will usually continue to stand upright, instead of producing a sunken appearance. If you take a closer look at your grass blades, you may see tanned lesions with dark bands. If you check early in the morning, you may also see fungal threads, or mycelium, growing on affected turf.

Check your lawn for clusters or solitary spots. Dollar spot can affect most warm and cool season grasses, but Fescues, Ryegrasses, and Zoysiagrasses can be especially vulnerable. Dollar spot thrives in high temperatures, high humidity, and low nitrogen soil, and it can affect lawns from spring through to fall. Examine your lawn for active spots, and check for heavily shaded parts or areas that have poor water drainage. Take note of these conditions when you find them, as they’ll direct where you will focus your treatment.

Before starting any treatment, be sure to wear your personal protective equipment, or PPE, and remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry.

Use a fungicide like Patch Pro as a treatment to stop and control the growth of lawn diseases and fungi. Patch Pro is a systemic fungicide, so it will absorb into the vegetation and attack the disease head on, leaving the plant unharmed. To get rid of Dollar Spot, apply Patch Pro at the labeled rate of 0.5 - 2 fluid ounces per thousand square feet of treatment area. As a preventative treatment, we recommend using 0.5 ounces of Patch Pro per thousand square feet with enough water to sufficiently treat the area. If Dollar Spot is already active in your lawn, use 2 ounces per thousand square feet. This will control the established Dollar Spot and prevent further spread in your lawn.

Do not apply more than the maximum labeled rate of 16 ounces per thousand square feet per year. When applying Patch Pro to control established Dollar Spot, do not make more than 3 applications in a row before rotating to an alternate fungicide that has a different mode of action.

Apply Patch Pro to areas affected by Dollar Spot and surrounding areas to prevent spread. For preventative treatments, you may apply Patch Pro to areas that you know will be affected by Dollar Spot when conditions become conducive for disease development.

Make a follow-up application 14-28 after your initial treatment. After about 2 weeks, you should see a noticeable reduction in the size of afflicted turf.

Be sure to visit our website for an in-depth guide and access to each of our products. We guarantee that these products and tips will control dollar spot in your lawn, and we offer same day shipping to help you get control quickly.

Solutions is a small family owned business, and we rely on referrals from customers like you. So if you liked this how-to guide and when the products work for you, please share and tell your friends and family about us.

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