Cervical Lymphadenopathy | Normal Thyroid Gland | Ultrasound Cervical Lymph Node

Описание к видео Cervical Lymphadenopathy | Normal Thyroid Gland | Ultrasound Cervical Lymph Node

Thyroid Gland
Both Gland within normal size shape and echogenicity. No focal lesion is seen.

Thyroid parenchyma shows are fine, homogeneous, and hyperechoic (bright) compared to the adjacent muscles.

Color doppler shows normal vascularity.

There are multiple enlargeoic lymph node in the upper cervical, middle cervical, parotid, posterior triangle and supraclavicular region of the right side of the neck.

The larger two in the posterior triangle and supraclavicular region measuring 1.96cm and 1.73cm.

There is also few enlarge lymph node in the left middle cervical region.

Bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, more in the right side.

Most normal and inflammatory cervical lymph nodes have a flattened, elongated, oval shape, with the greatest dimension in the longitudinal axis

The likelihood of malignancy increases in direct relation to the anteroposterior dimension of the node.

In case of malignancy the anteroposterior dimension of a cervical lymph node exceeds half the length of the node.

Color-flow Doppler increase flow in malignant cervical nodes.

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*Disclaimer - Background Music " You tube Audio Library" "Purple planet"

**Disclaimer: All information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view of the author.

If you have any questions then please do your own research and consult with your health care practitioner.

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Ultrasound Cervical Lymph node,
Chronic Thyroiditis,
Hyperplastic adenomatous nodule,
Benign thyroid adenoma,
Diffuse Thyroid Goiter,
Colloid Cyst Thyroid,
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Cervical lymph adenopathy,
Thyroid ultrasonography,
Multinodular goiter,thyroid adenoma
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma,
Thyroid colloid cyst,
Normal thyroid,
diffuse thyroid disease,
thyroid disease,
thyroid adenoma


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