Wading a river with a Wacky rig Senko

Описание к видео Wading a river with a Wacky rig Senko

The Mohawk Indian Reservation in upstate New York is the finest smallmouth fishery I've ever seen. Guide Will Clute has arranged a perfect week with super smallmouth, turkey hunting and Largemouth fishing as well! Today I'm wading one of the 3 rivers off of the Saint Laurence River that are on the reservation. Light spinning tackle with a 10 pound leader and a 4 inch 297 green pumpkin senko are really doing great. I finally wade to a current seam in the river where I get a hookup on 25 straight casts.
For a great guide trip, contact:
Will Clute
Mohawk Trails Guide service
315 296 4108


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