Carolina Dog : The Song

Описание к видео Carolina Dog : The Song


Carolina dog on Copperhead Road
born in the south where the swamps still grow
Carolina dog she was sweet as pine
howled at the sun when her momma died
And she was wild, wild, wild

Carolina dog in a sugarcane field
runnin' down a rabbit just to get her fill
Carolina dog with a litter on the way
no food, no daddy, no place to stay
And she was wild, wild, wild

Carolina dog three pups to feed
but she ain't seen a rabbit in two long weeks
Carolina dog comes a walking' in to town
puppies at 'er heel when she hits the ground
Those Carolina dogs they were sweet as pine
they howled at the sun when their momma died
And they were wild, wild, wild

Along come a woman with a heart of gold
she took them Carolina dogs on home
Well she kept two and I got one
now me and my dog we howl at the sun
And now I'm wild, wild, wild


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