What's the point? Small movements against sexual and gender-based violence | Angela Muruli | TEDxLSE

Описание к видео What's the point? Small movements against sexual and gender-based violence | Angela Muruli | TEDxLSE

Angela Muruli is a women’s rights activist. Under FORWARD’s Young People Speak Out program, she initiated the 'FGM: A Cut from Tradition youth forum and commissioned' the highly acclaimed spoken word piece, ‘Elephant in The Room’ by Emmanuel Speaks. She holds an MSc in Global Health and Development from UCL, completing a final thesis on the experiences of Black female survivors of intimate partner violence living in the UK. As a FORWARD advocate, she continues to challenge stigmatisation and taboo culture around Female Genital Mutilation and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence in the UK and across East Africa. Angela Muruli is a women’s rights activist. Under FORWARD’s Young People Speak Out program, she initiated the 'FGM: A Cut from Tradition youth forum and commissioned' the highly acclaimed spoken word piece, ‘Elephant in The Room’ by Emmanuel Speaks. She holds an MSc in Global Health and Development from UCL, completing a final thesis on the experiences of Black female survivors of intimate partner violence living in the UK. As a FORWARD advocate, she continues to challenge stigmatisation and taboo culture around Female Genital Mutilation and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence in the UK and across East Africa. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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