Three Missionary Sisters Finally Professed

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Final Profession of Rev. Sisters Elvira Ngoran, Aleghakeze Noi and Chinaza Phinaline in the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary

Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes College, Mankon, where today, on the 31st of August 2024, we witness a solemn and sacred moment: the final profession of three Sisters of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary.
This is a day of profound joy, where these women, after years of discernment, training, and spiritual preparation, make their permanent commitment to God. They stand before us, not just as Sisters, but as living witnesses of faith, service, and total surrender to Christ’s call
The ceremony begins with a procession. The three Sisters walk in together, led by altar servers and clergy. Each step represents their journey – a journey that began with a whisper of God's call and led to this moment of eternal commitment.
The candle in their hands symbolizes the light of Christ that has guided them along their path.
Just as Jesus called His disciples, so He calls each of us. And today, these Sisters respond with a resounding "yes," leaving behind the world to embrace the fullness of life
Now comes the heart of the ceremony – the profession of final vows. These Sisters will pledge their lives to God through vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
These vows are not mere words. They are a complete offering of self, a radical commitment to live for God and others in humility, love, and simplicity
After their vows, the Sisters receive symbols of their new life. The crucifix, a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice, is placed around their necks, reminding them daily of their call to follow in His footsteps.
The celebration continues with the Eucharist – the ultimate act of thanksgiving. It is fitting that the final profession culminates in the Holy Mass, where Christ’s sacrifice becomes present once again.
With the final blessing, the Sisters are sent forth. No longer novices, no longer discerning, but fully professed Sisters of the Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He give you peace all the days of your life.
The journey continues, as these Sisters go forth to serve God’s people with love, humility, and dedication. Their lives will be a living Gospel, a testimony to God’s boundless grace and mercy.
Today, we celebrate not just the final profession of these three Sisters, but the beautiful reality that God is still calling men and women to live radically for Him. May their witness inspire us all to listen for His voice and respond with courage and love.
Thank you for joining us on this special day. Please keep these Sisters in your prayers as they embark on their mission. May their lives continue to be a source of inspiration and grace to all who encounter them
“Congratulations to the Newly Professed Sisters! May the Lord bless your journey of faith and service. – Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary.”

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