如何煮: 豬扒菜飯 HOW TO COOK: Pork Chop Rice with Vegetables - 超鬆脆! Super crispy!

Описание к видео 如何煮: 豬扒菜飯 HOW TO COOK: Pork Chop Rice with Vegetables - 超鬆脆! Super crispy!

HOW TO COOK: Pork Chop Rice with Vegetables 如何煮: 豬扒菜飯 - 超鬆脆! Super crispy!

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豬扒菜飯Pork chop rice with vegetables
材料有白菜仔, 豬扒兩件, 白米兩杯, 薑, 蒜頭Ingredients include Chinese cabbage, two pork chops, two cups of white rice, ginger, garlic
首先用豆粉水把豬扒洗乾淨, 然後抹乾First clean the pork chops with soy flour water, then wipe dry
把豬扒週邊白色的筋部切開Cut the white tendon around the pork chops
然後用刀背或鎚子在豬扒上 打幾下Then hit the pork chops with the back of the knife or hammer a few times
豬扒變得更加鬆軟Pork chops become softened
醃豬扒, 用一匙羹豉油, 少許糖, 紹興酒一匙羹To marinate pork chops, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a little sugar, a spoonful of Shaoxing wine
加一隻蛋黃Add an egg yolk
蛋黃可以把粟米粉黏著, 煎炸完後的豬扒也會有金黃色The egg yolk can stick corn flour, and the pork cutlet will turn golden after cooking
加兩匙羹粟米粉Add two tablespoons of corn flour
醃 十至15分鐘Marinate for 10 to 15 minutes
白菜仔, 洗乾淨然後切成細粒Wash Chinese cabbage and cut into fine grains
煮飯, 用兩杯米, 加入一杯半水Cook rice, use two cups of rice, add one and half cup of water
因為蔬菜有水份, 所以無需用兩杯水Because vegetables contain water, there is no need to use two cups of water
加少許雞粉Add a little chicken powder
用少許油炒薑和蒜蓉Fry ginger and garlic with a little oil
放入全部白菜Add all Chinese cabbage
加一匙羹雞粉Add one tablespoon of chicken powder
加一匙羹米酒Add a spoonful of rice wine
飯差不多煮熟, 把所有菜放在飯面The rice is almost cooked, put all the vegetables on top of the rice.
煎豬扒, 油的溫度不能太高或太低To deep-fry the pork chops, the temperature of the oil should not be too high or too low
油沸騰以後, 過一陣子才把豬扒放進去煎After the oil boiled, it took a little time to fry the pork chops
豬扒的外皮就不會容易被煎焦So the Pork chop skin is not easy to burn
豬扒煎熟以後, 撈起來冷卻After the pork chops are cooked, take out and cool down
然後再放回煎第二次Then put it back and fry it again
這樣就會更加鬆脆This will make it more crispy
把飯和菜撈勻Mix rice and vegetables
豬扒切成細塊Pork chop cut into fine pieces
大功告成 ! You're done ! Yummy !
超鬆脆! Super crispy!

BEEF & LAMB RECIPE 牛羊食譜 https://bit.ly/BEEF_LAMB
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PUFF PASTRY, Cookies and BREAD 酥皮糕点和面包 https://bit.ly/PUFF_PASTRY_Cookies_BREAD
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