Who are the Compton Varrio Tortilla Flats? |Midget, Chuckie & one the most MILITANT gangs in compton

Описание к видео Who are the Compton Varrio Tortilla Flats? |Midget, Chuckie & one the most MILITANT gangs in compton

Compton Varrio Tortilla Flats. This gang has a long history in Compton that’s why In This episode We’re gonna do things a little different and look into the lives of two members of the gang midget and chucky who were a part of the gang since they were 10 and 11 years old. We’ll see exactly how they ended up from there youth until adult hood. and a quick spoiler what’s the one cliche you always hear people say gang banging will get you?

If you don’t know the answer to that you definitely have to stick around till the end of this video to find out.
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