
Описание к видео 为个性化心理问题治疗挑战带来切实有效解决方案

CosmoMK Unique Individual Information RND Centre

COSMOMK is committed to creating VALUE within KNOWN information, offering precise solutions to current challenges. The information derived from Numbers Phenomena hold infinite possibilities for humanity.

Industry Applications:
Precision Healthcare, Big Data Analytics, Life Sciences, Health Diagnostics, Neonatal Prediction/Diagnosis, Research, Prevention, and Intervention of Individual Psychological Disorders, Human Resources, Personalized Education, Crime Prevention.

🌟世界第一 World 1st 🌟
数字现象 Numbers Phenomena™️
数字组合分析 Numbers Combination Analysis™️
个体信息研究中心 Unique Individual Information Research Center
©️ CosmoMK.com

⚛️ 如果生命可以从新定义
if Life can be redefined

⚛️ 给生命多一个选择的机会!
Give your Life, An Opportunity to Choose!


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