奶酥吐司面包 Streusel Bread

Описание к видео 奶酥吐司面包 Streusel Bread


Today we are going to make a bread with streusel filling. This bread is simple in shape and attractive in color. With the rich scent of streusel and the moist and soft internal tissue, you can't help but marvel at how beautiful and delicious the bread made from simple ingredients is.

❀这款面包需要使用普通的奶粉,你可以在超市或者Amazon买到。This bread requires ordinary milk powder, and you can buy it in supermarkets or Amazon.

9”x 5”x 2.75”烤盘/Loaf Pan, 450g吐司盒
🍞 面包材料(一条吐司)Bread ingredients for 1 loaf
高筋面粉 Bread Flour 235g
盐 巴 Salt 3g
细砂糖 Sugar 20g
奶粉 Milk Powder 7.5g
即溶酵母 Instant Yeast 3g
全蛋液 Whole Eggs 40g
冷牛奶 Cold Milk 35g
冷水 Cold Water 85g
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 25g
🍞馅料Filling:1 条面包,1 loaves of bread
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 35g
糖粉 Icing Sugar 15g
全蛋液 Whole Egg 12g
奶粉 Milk Powder 33g
玉米淀粉 Corn Starch 3g
食盐 Salt 1/16tsp
葡萄干 Raisin 25g (浸泡过夜 Soak overnight)
冷水 Water 6g (用来浸泡葡萄干 For soaking raisins)

9”x 5”x 2.75”烤盘/Loaf Pan, 450g吐司盒
🍞 面包材料(2条吐司)Bread ingredients for 2 loaves of bread
高筋面粉Bread Flour 470g
盐 巴 Salt 6g
细砂糖 Sugar 40g
奶粉 Milk Powder 15g
即溶酵母 Instant Yeast 6g
全蛋液 Whole Eggs 80g
冷牛奶 Cold Milk 70g
冷水 Cold Water 170g
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 50g
🍞馅料Filling:2 条面包,2 loaves of bread
无盐黄油 Unsalted Butter 70g
糖粉 Icing Sugar 30g
全蛋液 Whole Egg 24g
奶粉 Milk Powder 67g
玉米淀粉 Corn Starch 5g
食盐 Salt 1/8tsp
葡萄干 Raisin 50g (浸泡过夜 Soak overnight)
冷水 Water 12g (用来浸泡葡萄干 For soaking raisins)

❀烤箱预热至350°F/ 180°C ,中低层烤28分钟。
❀Preheat the oven to 350°F/ 180°C, bake for 28 minutes on the lower middle rack.


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