
Описание к видео 【松鼠開台中】注意你的背後,但不可以回頭,因為........

#vtuber #台v #彭奇
◎ 請勿發表引戰、歧視及仇恨留言。
◎ 不要在別人的頻道主動提到我,雖然我覺得應該不會有。
◎ 請自在的使用聊天室跟大家對話、延伸、討論當下的話題,但請記得尊重其他人。

You can also speak in English, though I may not get you, lol.
◎ Feel free to bring up any other Vtubers into our topic we are talking right now, we can have a fun talk and share with you that how I simp.
◎ Don't mention anything about me in other channels.
◎ You can also chat in the chat with others in the chat, but please remember to respect other people.
◎ Feel free to pick a mic and sit on the back seat, I won't follow the instructions however.
◎ Do not Spoil.
◎Most important, RESPECT.

OP ED :磚盒 https://x.com/pholagloria
Twitter:  / ponchichip  
DC:   / discord  

◎ 想剪片請隨意,不如說反而大感謝


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