How to Install Arduino 2.3.3 and use ATtiny85 DigiSpark - 2024 Guide

Описание к видео How to Install Arduino 2.3.3 and use ATtiny85 DigiSpark - 2024 Guide

As there are quite a few issues getting the ATTINY85 Digispark working in Arduino, I have made a guide to get it working with the latest Arduino 2.3.3 (November 2024).

Get your Bad USB / Homemade Rubber Ducky working!

1. Download and install Arduino IDE 2.3.3
2. Save the page which has the required ATtiny85 board packages offline.
You will get a certificate error in browser due to the certificate having expired. We need to edit this file offline as Arduino will not connect to the site unless the certificate is valid.
3. Open the file in a text editor of your choice. Look for the URL that contains ''. Change 'https' to 'http' and save.
4. Open Arduino and go to settings, preferences. Add the local file path to the package.json file we just edited. - This will be different for you... (file:///C:\Users\YOURNAME\Downloads\Arduino-Demo/package_drazzy.com_index.json)
5. Download and install the ATtiny85 drivers so it can interact with Windows.
6. Now you can use the board. Do not plug in the ATtiny85 until you have selected upload, and it tells you to connect it!


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