Trains at London Waterloo | 29/06/2022

Описание к видео Trains at London Waterloo | 29/06/2022

This Video is Property of MT Productions – Feel Free to Tag Along for the Ride!

2160p 4K HD!

Hello everyone, MT here with the usual trainspotting action! It’s been years since I last visited London Waterloo railway station, formally the busiest before the covid pandemic hit. The last couple of times I’ve went, the station gets a lot of traffic in and out in a sport period of time. All of this was filmed in around 40 minutes in the morning of 29th June 2022. Hope you all enjoy this!

Trains featured:
A variety of South Western Railway units with some having their new liveries including: 159’s, 444’s, 450’s, 455’s & 707’s etc.

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