Feeling Stupid As A PhD Student.

Описание к видео Feeling Stupid As A PhD Student.

You will feel stupid as a PhD student. Everyone know this fact. Here are some things that you need to realize:

Everyone else around you feels stupid too. Everyone has not read the entire literature.
You are judging yourself based on what people say - some people are great actors.
You know a lot more than what you give yourself credit for. Once you begin to teach someone else, you will realize this.
Knowledge giving is far easier than knowledge absorption.
Once you struggle a bit, you will see a lot more around you. The struggle is actually quite good for you.

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David Maslach is a research professor of entrepreneurship, innovation, and business strategy, I discuss topics, such as behavioral science, strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and apply these to my new peer proofreading and editing platform. Topics include the sharing economy, altruism, investing in technology, starting a business, and bounded rationality. My favorite videos pertain to incentives, goal setting, and learning from failure to drive behaviors such as weight loss, stopping telemarketers, creating novel technologies, and creating new movements.

https://r3ciprocity.com: Peer proofreading and editing platform

A new platform where you can earn credits by editing other people's documents. Use these credits to have your own work edited. If you do a good enough job, you can convert these credits to money.

The goal of the platform is to get people to 'pay it forward' and help other people out by creating incentives for people to give back.

Check out https://www.r3ciprocity.com

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