(28 Mar 2023)
LENGTH: 7:21
Cambridge, United Kingdom - 22 March 2023
1. Wide pan right of modular housing
2. Low angle of steps up to modular housing
3. Low angle of Eamonn Kelly, modular housing resident, formerly homeless, walking down street
4. Wide pan left of Eamonn Kelly entering his modular housing
5. Mid of Eamonn Kelly entering gate to housing
6. Various of Eamonn Kelly entering front door
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Eamonn Kelly, modular housing resident, formerly homeless:
"It's just very emotional because I had everything here and everything was brand new. As soon as I walked through that door, table, the bedroom, the wardrobe, the cupboards, everything was brand spanking new. So, it's just given me a bit of satisfaction to say, listen, I had done well because I had my own place. I had my own front door, somewhere to call home."
8. Various of Kelly making cup of coffee
9. Various of Kelly sitting with his coffee and looking at his phone
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Eamonn Kelly, modular housing resident, formerly homeless:
"Because I am like a very private person, so I am. And I was always mostly out from eight in the morning to six and seven at night, and then I went home to my room. But now, I am here all day, every day, and I love it. And I help anybody who's around me, so I am, if they need help, they come and rap that door, and if I can help them, I do."
11. Close zoom to photograph on wall of Eamonn Kelly outside his modular housing with the Prince and Princess of Wales
12. Wide pan of Mark Allan, chief executive of Jimmy's, homeless charity, coming to visit Kelly
13. Various of Allan and Kelly chatting
14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mark Allan, chief executive, Jimmy's, homeless charity:
"So, in cities like Cambridge, there is a shortage of affordable housing. And, so, for many people what they are looking for is their own accommodation. So we are offering a hostel or shared houses but actually some people need their own front door, they need their own space because they have things that they are dealing with and they need to close the front door and have their own space. But getting a one bedroom flat in somewhere like Cambridge is extremely difficult. So what modular homes do is they use a bit of land that wouldn't be used for any other purpose. So you can put the modular homes on that piece of land for a few years, up to ten years, and then we can then provide an affordable one bedroom home to someone who would otherwise be rough sleeping."
15. Various of researcher Johannes Lenhard looking at report he co-authored on his phone
16. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr Johannes Lenhard, Cambridge University researcher:
"Yes, we are helping them to get housed, but also we are helping them to take care of their mental and physical health, where adequate services and access to them is available. And we help them to reconnect with families. We help them to reconnect with ideas about jobs, right. It isn't that straightforward for somebody who has been sleeping rough to reenter the job market, but at least planning, doing educational courses, that is something that you can start doing once you have a stable base."
17. Various of small vegetable garden
18. Kitchen area in Kelly's home
19. Pan right of bedroom
20. Tilt down of bathroom area
21. Set-up shot of Lewis Herbert, manager at Allia Future Homes
22. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lewis Herbert, manager, Allia Future Homes
23. Various exteriors of modular housing
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