The Renaissance of the Greek Ideal - Old Books 01

Описание к видео The Renaissance of the Greek Ideal - Old Books 01

In this new, periodical series, I will bring you insights gain from old, mostly forgotten books on gesture, posture, oratory, and related fields. In this first installment, we look at The Renaissance of the Greek Ideal, published in 1914. Diana Watts, the unique and intrepid author, presents her ideas surrounding the training that Ancient Greeks used to develop their impressive physiques.

To read the book online, you can follow this link:

Some images in this video were originally produced by Jeando Masoero.

I offer lessons in the Initial Alexander Technique, which are conducted one-on-one with a teacher over Zoom. They are designed to help you gain conscious control over how you move your body. Most people have no idea what they’re doing with their body, and as they misuse their body, they end up with discomfort, pain, and other issues that they may not even realize are caused by what they’re doing to themselves. But how do you figure out what you’re doing wrong? And how do you change what you're doing and overcome lifelong habits?

In an Initial Alexander Technique lesson, you will record yourself through Zoom, so you will be able to see and understand what you are doing when you stand, sit, walk, and perform other simple gestures. With the assistance of your teacher, you will come to understand how you are misusing the mechanisms of your body, and you will gain the ability to choose to use yourself in a more sensible way. You can learn how to use your body without pain. You can break free from long held habits. All you need is a system that works.

For more information or to book a lesson, please visit my website:

You can contact me at: [email protected]

"At the beginning of the last chapter, I said that the first thing the Greek child learned when it went to the Palaestra was, how to attain in its muscles a condition that rendered the whole body master of itself on the instant.

This condition was one of complete Tension."

Diana Watts


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