Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion, with Charlie Arehart--ColdFusion Meetup

Описание к видео Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion, with Charlie Arehart--ColdFusion Meetup

Online ColdFusion Meetup (coldfusionmeetup.com) for Apr 28, 2022:

TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker):

With Java updates happening about quarterly (and one just last week), it's important that ColdFusion administrators and/or developers keep up to date on the Java version which underlies their CF (or Lucee) deployments. While the simplest question may seem to be "how do I do such an update, effectively" (and it really can be quite simple), there's a good bit more to updating the Java (aka jvm, jdk, jre) which underlies your CFML engine.

In this session, veteran troubleshooter Charlie Arehart will share his experience helping people deal with this topic for many years, including:

Considering, planning the jvm update (what jvm do you have, what can you update to, why should you?)
Performing the jvm update (where to get it, how to install it, how to configure CF to use it)
Avoiding various potential gotchas when updating the JVM
How to be made aware of new JVM versions

Whether you use CF or Lucee, deployed traditionally or via Commandbox (or even containers), most of the discussion will apply to you.

ABOUT THE SPEAKERS: (provided by the speaker)

A veteran server troubleshooter with over thirty years experience in enterprise IT, Charlie Arehart (@carehart) is a longtime contributor to the CF community and Adobe Community Professional. As an independent consultant, he provides short-term, remote, on-demand troubleshooting/tuning assistance for organizations of all sizes and experience levels (carehart.org/consulting).


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