Not sponsored and honest review of Original Cat dry food by Orijen. I tried to find the best quality cat dry food that's available in my country, so I bought a small package of this food for my Lynx point Siamese cat Mico. The ingredient list really amazed me and it claims to be top quality, so it was definitely a selling point. The price is high, at least in my country, higher than Royal Canin cat food. But in my opinion, it's worth it, because you really get top quality ingredients. The ingredient list (according to their official website) is POULTRY: Chicken, Turkey; ORGANS: Chicken Liver, Turkey Giblets (liver, heart, gizzards) and FISH: Whole Mackerel, Flounder, Whole Herring and these are actually first five ingredients. Depending on a country, it claims to have 85-90% Premium Animal Ingredients and that it's a "WHOLEPREY DIET". The kibbles are small and easy to eat. We tried it out for a few days and he really liked it. His stomach had to adjust to a new cat food, but after a day or two his stool was totally normal and regular. So we tried it for a month and both he and I are very pleased. I reached out to the company's Instagram and asked for a discount code if any of you Meow Friends wanted to try it out, but they said they didn't have any available. That was a bummer, but regardless, I'm very pleased with their ingredients. I will definitely be buying this cat food from now on, because I believe it's best cat food quality I can find in my country. Please let me know if your cats/dogs tried it and what you think about it!
More videos of Mico Kitty trying out various cat treats, cat toys for indoor cats, puzzles, snacks, food, litter, challenges, all the fun stuff: • TRY CAT
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ABOUT Mico Kitty:
Mico is a Lynx Point Siamese Cat, also called Tabby Point Siamese cat. His birthday is August 18th 2019. He's born via C-section and had to be resuscitated, fed all night and day every 20 minutes. But he survived and grew big! He was also infected with fCoV, he was very ill, but survived that, too! No FIP for this kitty! He is very vocal, very smart, loving, loves to play, attached to his owners, doesn't like being home alone and he has the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes, that are true to Siamese cats!
Check out more videos of Mico:
Cute and wholesome cat videos that will make you go "Awww":
• Awww ❤️
Very smart and mischievous cat videos:
• Smart and mischievous
Funny and derpy cat videos:
• Funny 😂
Mico Kitty - Too much Catnip (Official Music Video):
• Mico Kitty - Too much Catnip (Officia...
Funny and Cute 2023 Compilation:
• Lynx point Siamese cats are the FUNNI...
Members only videos playlist:
• Members only videos 🤩
Thank you Members:
Hipoalergeniko: / @hipoalergeniko
LadyLeomon: / @ladyleomon
D.C. & Mr. Christmas: /
Jessica Hanley: / @jessicahanley5080
DELOREAN FLEETWOOD: / @theredhotwreck
Del: / @del-canada
Brandon Youth: / @brandonyouth5241
FTC Legal Disclaimer - Some links found in the description box of my videos may be affiliate links, meaning I will make commission on sales you make through my link.
#MicoKitty #LynxPointSiamese
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