Etkili Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır? │ İş Başvuru Mektubu

Описание к видео Etkili Cover Letter Nasıl Yazılır? │ İş Başvuru Mektubu

Rekabetin son raddesine ulaştığı şu dönemde artık iş bulmak eskisi kadar kolay değil. En iyinin iyisi olmak, bir şekilde aradan sıyrılmak gerekiyor. Özellikle yurt dışında Cover Letter denilen başvuru mektupları bu noktada devreye giriyor. İşvereni etkilemenin ve mülakata çağrılmanın ilk adımı olan bu mektubu etkili bir şekilde yazmak çok önemli.

Biz de hem yurt dışında hem yurt içinde iş başvurusu yaparken bu mektubu yazmak zorunda olanlara, kendi bilgi ve tecrübelerimizden yola çıkarak etkili niyet mektubunu nasıl yazabileceğinizi anlattık.

İşte bu da bizden örnek bir Cover Letter:


Mr./Ms. XXX
18 March 2020

Dear Mr./Ms. XXX

It is with a particular interest that I apply for the open position “XXXXXXXXXXXXXX” which was posted on XXXXXXXXXXXXXX career page. As a CALL researcher and a teaching assistant for the language course XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, I believe that this position is very well aligned with my work experience and passion: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Before starting my master’s education at McGill University, I worked as an English lecturer for over 4 years in various institutions and schools in Istanbul, Turkey. Born into a family of teachers, I always had a passion for teaching languages. I worked closely with language teachers as a part-time EFL teacher at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, an institution that also has branches in Canada. Eventually, this passion guided me to pursue a master’s degree in second language education at McGill University.

With particular interest in educational technology and its use for educational change, I am currently writing a thesis on app attrition in computer-assisted language learning. Co-supervised by XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, my thesis coins the term “app attrition”, which is a process that causes learners to abandon an online learning platform due to a series of internal and external factors. We also made a presentation on “app attrition in CALL” at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Conference, held in Montreal last year. Having said that, my expertise in online language learning and education technology could be a valuable asset to your department.

Furthermore, I have worked as a teaching assistant for the past three years at the Department of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX for the course XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. This is an online course in which we prepare prospective teachers enrolled in McGill’s bachelor program to pass the English Exam for Teacher Certification (EETC) required by the Quebec Ministry of Education. This role significantly improved my interpersonal skills and communication with teachers in an educational context as I provided guidance and support for teacher candidates. Additionally, I work as a lead reviewer for an international tech company, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (company name), where I am responsible for a team of 12 Turkish language reviewers. My role involves providing technical support, guidance and training to language professionals, which gained me additional management skills and consultancy experience that I can bring to your department, if I am accepted.

Given these points, I truly believe that my background would make me an ideal candidate for this role. I look forward to any opportunity to discuss the position and how I can contribute to your team as an educational consultant. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Your Name

Not: Bu mektupta eğitim alanında bir işe başvurduk ve bazı alanları sizi için değiştirmedik (sizi değiştirmeniz gerekecek). Bu mektupta yalnızca işle alakalı detayları yazdık, geçmişte yaptığımız tercümanlık gibi işlerden bahsetmedik bile. Size de bunu tavsiye ederiz! Eğer çeşitli alanlarda tecrübeleriniz olduysa, ilgisiz tecrübelerinize mektubunuzda yer vermeyin. Sorularınız olursa aşağıya yazmaya çekinmeyin :)

  / lakeyinspired  


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