
Описание к видео 【台湾M1式榴弹炮】台湾现役口径最大,发射后弹坑比橄榄球场还大,一颗炮弹比人还重三倍,240毫米的大口径

M1式240毫米榴彈砲(英語:240 mm howitzer M1),暱稱“黑龍”(英語:Black Dragon),是一種曾在美國陸軍服役的榴彈砲。 M1式240毫米榴彈砲是設計用來取代於美軍在第一次世界大戰期間服役且已過時的M1918式240毫米榴彈砲,M1918式於1911年由法國設計。美軍自1934年起開發新型240毫米榴彈砲,原型在1940年4月完成,美國原計劃於1941年起淘汰M1918,但實際上火砲制式化量產要到1943年5月才頒布。 240毫米榴彈砲是美國於第二次世界大戰期間所使用過最具威力的火砲,可將360磅(160公斤)的高爆彈發射至25,225碼(23公里)之外。除了將戰艦艦炮改裝成的列車炮與岸防砲外,這是美國陸軍在第二次世界大戰期間所擁有的射程最遠的火砲,這種火砲是野戰砲兵用來摧毀像是齊格菲防線等加強防禦的據點。它被設計成可與長射程的M1 8吋炮共用運輸工具與砲架。
The M1 240 mm howitzer (English: 240 mm howitzer M1), nicknamed "Black Dragon" (English: Black Dragon), is a type of howitzer once served in the US Army. The M1 240mm howitzer is designed to replace the obsolete M1918 240mm howitzer that was in service during the First World War by the US Army. The M1918 was designed by France in 1911. The US military has developed a new type of 240mm howitzer since 1934. The prototype was completed in April 1940. The US originally planned to phase out the M1918 in 1941, but in fact the artillery standardization and mass production would not be promulgated until May 1943. The 240mm howitzer is the most powerful artillery used by the United States during World War II. It can fire 360-pound (160 kg) high-explosive shells to 25,225 yards (23 kilometers) away. In addition to the train guns and shore defense guns converted from warship naval guns, this is the longest range artillery owned by the US Army during World War II. This artillery is used by field artillery to destroy Siegfried A stronghold such as a defense line to strengthen defense. It was designed to share transportation and gun mounts with the long-range M1 8-inch gun.
Currently, the 240mm howitzer is still in service in Taiwan, mainly deployed in the reinforced bunker on the front lines of Kinmen and Matsu.


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