ESCP Europe Master in Management with Campus Channel

Описание к видео ESCP Europe Master in Management with Campus Channel

Find the REPLAY & THE ANALYSIS by Campus-Channel for this program here:

Thomas ALLANIC - Master in Management Programme Director
Giulia PIANTONI - Student

00:15 The Pitch
01:38 Who is the ESCP Europe MIM student? Would you accept me if I have a bachelor’s in French literature?
04:41 What are your selection criteria? Can experience make up for mediocre grades?
07:06 I saw in your brochure that you can do a gap year in between the first and second year. Why do most students take a gap year? Is it so they can work for a year or do they spend a year traveling around?
09:43 How recruiters can make difference between the MIM and the Bachelor from ESCP?
10:39 Do you still have a double degree with CentraleSupelec? If so, what are the conditions to apply?
12:08 In which campus can we do this master?
13:51 Your site says we can obtain up to three different degrees, and another page says up to four. Please clarify, and how is it possible to get this many degrees?
16:14 Three Words Max
18:28 Giulia, why did you choose ESCP Europe instead of a one-year program like at Bocconi?
20:56 One of the goals of this program is to develop students’ “European identity.” What if students are not European at all and come from somewhere like India or China?
23:05 Do I need to be on the French campus in M2 if I want to do your apprenticeship track?
24:09 How many courses comprise the year two specialization?
25:33 Do I have to know what cities I want to study in when I apply to the MIM?
27:16 Hi Giulia. What are your career plans?
28:29 Russian Roulette
30:45 What is the difference between the MIM and an MBA?
32:03 Can you tell me more about the Start@Europe seminar at European Parliament? Does ESCP cover transportation costs?
34:37 I have heard ESCP Europe is elitist and only for those who can afford expensive tuition fees. What financing options do you offer those who can’t pay €16,000 a year?
36:03 What kinds of challenges are presented in the Business in Europe seminar?
37:19 I have a bachelor’s in business and have worked as a marketing manager for six years. Would you recommend this program for me?
38:24 What kinds of jobs will I be qualified for with the MIM?
40:23 How does this program incorporate entrepreneurship into the curriculum? Is it valued in the program?
42:18 I would really like to focus my career on the luxury sector. Does ESCP offer personalized counseling for professional development and career orientation?
43:52 A Step Sideways
44:09 A Step Sideways: Your MIM first impressions video looks like a feel-good electro pop music video. Does every day at ESCP Europe look like a United Colors of Benetton adventure?
48:11 Is there competitive placement for any of the campuses? Am I certain to get my first choice?
49:17 Does ESCP have support to help us find housing in each new city?
50:45 Ciao Giulia. What has been the most valuable aspect of your experience at ESCP Europe?
52:25 The program marketing says we will make lifelong friends. Is that really possible in a program where everyone moves right after meeting?
54:26 Your site says 97% of students find jobs within 3 months of graduating. Are these temporary or permanent contracts?
56:11 The Sweetest


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