Solo Living in a Subaru Baja

Описание к видео Solo Living in a Subaru Baja

For a while now I have wanted to do some solo living in a Subaru Baja... so naturally I packed my overland Baja up for a week long solo camping trip in the mountains of West Virginia. Over a week I spent time exploring the Monongahela National Forest and the Dolly Sods while experiencing what solo travel really has to offer.

This car camping trip consists of beautiful views and camp spots, rainy days, and a relaxing time. Join me as I explore just a piece of what West Virginia has to offer.

I am hoping to do this more often and broaden my solo "skills" with the Baja and the FJ Cruiser.

Thanks to ‪@dechristophermedia‬ for helping me film that intro 💪🏼

#solotravel #solocamping #subaru


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