LHB Coaches||Center Buffer Couplers CBC Unveiled: Part 2 modified ||Gauging, Coupling, Uncoupling...

Описание к видео LHB Coaches||Center Buffer Couplers CBC Unveiled: Part 2 modified ||Gauging, Coupling, Uncoupling...

 Inspection of coupler assembly by gauges: -
a) Checking of knuckle contour by contour maintenance
b) Checking of contour by contour condemning limit gauge.
c) Checking of distortion of aligning wing pocket and guard
arm by aligning wing limit gauge and guard arm distortion
d) Checking of vertical height of aligning wing pocket and
guard arm by vertical height aligning wing pocket and
guard arm gauge.
e) Wear of aligning wing pocket and guard arm to be
checked by vertical height condemning limit aligning wing
pocket and guard arm gauge.
f) Checking of knuckle nose wear and stretch limit by
knuckle nose wear and stretch limit gauge.
 Visual inspection of tilting of coupler assembly, take
corrective action and adjust height of Supporting device
which should be kept at 187+_ 2 mm. This should be
checked with gauge.
 Checking of rotary assembly for excess gap and taking
corrective action.
 Visual inspection of gap between front fork and front
carrier plate.
 Checking for defective spheroelastic silent block and take
corrective action.
 Visual inspection of rusting of rusting on front carrier plate.
Take corrective action if rusting is observed.
 Inspection of anti-creep protection
 Measurement of coupler height 1105 mm from rail level-
Reference point – Vertical centre of knuckle or centre of
 Checking of proper locking
 Cleaning of coupler head and its sub-assemblies for any
rust and dust for its smooth functioning.


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