SPEAK UP! 7 Orthodox Abuse Survivors Break the Silence

Описание к видео SPEAK UP! 7 Orthodox Abuse Survivors Break the Silence

More information at http://jewishcommunitywatch.org/

JCW is proud to release a new short film called Speak Up, telling the stories of seven young adults from the Orthodox Jewish community who suffered the horrors of child sexual abuse and have journeyed from being victims to survivors.

PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO which was produced in order to raise awareness of abuse and to send a message of solidarity to survivors, that they are not alone.

If you are a survivor, please know that you have nothing to be ashamed of! You can come forward and speak up, and when you do, JCW will be there to support you!

"Speak up" -
Produced and directed by Daniel Finkelman
DP Alex Zingaro
Sound Michael Puro

Connect with JCW:
Facebook:   / jewishcommunitywatch.org  
Twitter:   / jcwatch  
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Donate to Jewish Community Watch: http://www.jewishcommunitywatch.org/d...


Jewish Community Watch was founded in 2011 with the stated goal of breaking the silence and shame that surrounds CSA in the Orthodox Jewish community. JCW prevents further abuse by notifying the public of the threat of the abusers in their vicinity, educates the public about what to look out for, and helps survivors of abuse heal by reminding them that they are not alone and by supporting them through their battles.

JCW recently re-launched JewishCommunityWatch.org which represents the most extensive Jewish website combating child sexual abuse. It hosts extensive content, including a vast education center, the Wall of Shame with 93 profiles of alleged abusers, information for survivors to get help, relevant laws with regards to each state, myths and facts on CSA and much more.


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