Rafael Jimenez-Duran (Bocconi University and Chicago Booth Stigler Center) - When product markets..

Описание к видео Rafael Jimenez-Duran (Bocconi University and Chicago Booth Stigler Center) - When product markets..

👉 Speaker : Rafael Jimenez-Duran (Bocconi University and Chicago Booth Stigler Center) - When product markets become collective traps: The case of social media

Discussant: Ro'ee Levy (Tel Aviv University )

00:00 Intro
00:07 Presentation
02:40 Welfare in the presence of consumption spillovers
03:13 Framework Preview
04:40 What we do
05:40 What we find
06:48 Conceptual framework: allowing non-consumer surplus
08:20 Conceptual framework: two implications
10:09 Conceptual framework: allowing non-consumer surplus
14:31 Sample
16:50 Step 0: Price elicitation mech&anism and example product
18:09 Step 1: Valuation keeping network
18:36 Introduction to large scale deactivation study
19:29 Step2: Valuation Removing network
21:15 Step3: Product Market Valuation - Incentive Compatibility
21:40 Sample
25:10 Step: 3 Product Market Valuation
25:37 Results: Valuation Keeping network
26:30 Results: Product Market Valuation - Users
33:38 Luxury Goods are product market traps
34:30 Luxury Goods are product market traps: results
34:58 Vintages goods
35:25 Vintages goods: results
35:52 Conclusion and policy recommendation
37:40 Questions Comments and Suggestions (Ro'ee Levy)


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