
Описание к видео Carambach
Located in Transylvania in a splendid area surrounded by forests, mountains and lakes, Carambach is:
| an intermingled state of life and art,
| a contemporary art (mainly performative) ecolaboratory,
| an experiment of freedom and independent living / thinking / working in this precarious & fund-cutting times for arts, culture and human research and sciences,
| a temporary residence for independent artists, architects, writers, scientists, philosophers and other endangered human species. It is also a temporary home for people of uncompromising nature, activists for human & forests & animals` rights, for whom freedom and critical social thinking are the major driving force and ingredients of their life and work.
| a contemplative viewpoint over the nature`s rhythms, relations, structures, movements and complex simplicity (as unavoidable masters of any human creation).


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