Harley Benton Vs. Chapman Guitars | Which Is The Best Modern T-Style?

Описание к видео Harley Benton Vs. Chapman Guitars | Which Is The Best Modern T-Style?

These are two of the best modern T-Style options available right now but who makes the best one? Let's find out!

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In this video, we put the Harley Benton Fusion-T EMG HT Roasted SBK against the Chapman Guitars ML3 Pro Modern to find out which modern metal t-style shape guitar offers the best playing experience.

Both electric guitars offer fantastic specs but there are some big differences between the Fusion and the ML3 Pro Modern that we need to check out.

Harley Benton and Chapman Guitars have both made great instruments here so it's going to be a close one to call and don't forget to put your pick for the winner in the comments.

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0:00 Let's Get Ready To Rumble
1:10 Round 1: Specs & Quality
3:24 Thank yous
3:47 Round 2: Comfort & Playability
6:29 Round 3: Sound
7:33 Head To Head Demo!
8:59 Who Won?!
10:23 Blooper Reel
© All original music, compositions, and video on this channel belongs solely to Jack Taylor, owner of this channel.

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