Five Strategies to Overcome Procrastination, Burnout, and Stress | Mental Health Webinar

Описание к видео Five Strategies to Overcome Procrastination, Burnout, and Stress | Mental Health Webinar

If you struggle with procrastination, burnout, or are managing high levels of stress, you may find that a few motivational skills can help you stay on track with tasks and manage your daily routine. In this webinar, learn tools and techniques to help you get (and stay) motivated, and manage stress, all while treating yourself compassionately.

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- The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), a non-profit organization, leads in education, training, and research for anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, OCD, and co-occurring disorders. ADAA also provides free evidence-based mental health information and resources to the public.

0:00 Introduction
2:19 having an incentive or a strong desire to do well or succeed in some pursuit
3:23 Procrastination Burnout Stress Treatment
6:51 Before you Proceed: Identify what you want to achieve
8:03 What is the outcome you want?
9:03 Identify your Why?
10:19 1. Mastery-based motivation 2. Performance-based motivation
12:33 Mastery-based motivation supports long-term learning and outcomes.
13:28 What is the long-term beneficial outcome of engaging in this activity?
15:20 problematic outcome of NOT engaging in this activity?
16:42 Identify Healthy Rewards
18:16 Rewards may not benefit learning on tasks that people would perform without extrinsic incentives (i.e., interesting tasks).
20:06 Manage Your Time
21:46 Schedule realistically how long it will take • Schedule breaks and pleasure first Take notes on how long things usually take before scheduling Set Alarms (Option: Pomodoro-like timers)
30:19 Compassion is more effective than criticism
39:11 Be Mindful
42:25 BONUS. Make it fun!
43:14 People who are "motivated" don't start motivated They start, and then get motivation to keep going


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