Full XL Layout - Tree of Life (Overture Battle Royale Round 2)

Описание к видео Full XL Layout - Tree of Life (Overture Battle Royale Round 2)

Aspect - Treacherous Jungle

Thank you to ‪@silvergmd2443‬ for recording!! (and thanks to ‪@Zyrxnix‬ for trying 😭)

This and Apophenia are the two best things I’ve ever made and it isn’t close. I told myself at the start of this that I would only make new bests, and it’s only up from here.

Let’s just say you’ll see a bit of a genre switch from me next round… No more camellia for a while…


‪@solidstatedrive.‬ and ‪@jame113_‬ for being massive helps and inspirations behind the respective drop gimmicks, ‪@ipm26.‬ and ‪@stormcone‬ for being two of my biggest motivators throughout the process of building this, and ‪@floritide‬ for unknowingly being the reason this level exists at all.

Man this took a long fucking time. I don't even know where to start. This has been a massive experiment for me. If you know me, you know i've always been the "flow" guy, only relying on duals, making the same shit over an over, etc. I've had a lot of people tell me to try some new shit, and well... this is it I guess. To quickly go over how everything works, the first drop is actually a functioning vine swing where you hold and let go where you want to go, and it will launch you accordingly. It's not some toggle orb auto crap. It's an actual vine swing. The second drop is simple. Attack the bats and save your friend. If you don't, they'll suicide bomb into the side of a rock and kill the other player and you lose.

I will say, some of this is fun, but both of those gimmicks are not at all without their bugs. Without needlessly explaining them, if this gets decoed ever, just know that they will need to be attended to, since i'm not good enough at triggers to figure that out.

All in all, I'm so fucking glad I finished this when I did. It was a huge grind and I really need to take a week or two away from this game and actually catch up on irl shit. I procrastinated this way too hard and it ended up having some consequences (not terrible but still annoying). Anyways, gg, and I hope you enjoy!

ID: 109736453

(DM me for song file if you wanna play it. The song actually exists under the camellia folder in GD, but i didn't know that when I started, so this level's song has a 1-2 second delay which is the silence at the beginning. Sorry.)


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