PA Bootcamp

Описание к видео PA Bootcamp

P.A. Bootcamp is designed as a practical job training program. Our goal is to prepare you thoroughly and completely for the job of Set or Office Production Assistant, which is your first step into the entertainment business as it has been for many highly successful producers, executives, directors and others currently working in the industry.

We provide take-home paperwork which covers everything taught in the course, as well as samples of actual production documents.

In addition to the regular curriculum, we frequently have guest speakers from all aspects of production.

P.A. Bootcamp offers comprehensive training for commercial and reality TV production assistants
in addition to our thorough hands-on training for film and television P.A.s.

How to be a highly effective Set and Office Production Assistant
How to anticipate the needs of your production
Hands on training with radios (walkie talkies) distribution and managing phone calls
Gear & Supplies you'll need to be an effective P.A.
Where to find production jobs and understanding the industry career path
How to read & understand production paperwork
Lock-Ups, Call Outs, Daily & Nightly duties
How to communicate in production language
Set and Office Etiquette
Office P.A. responsibilities- Distribution, Phone Management, Sides, Script Revisions
Overview of the crew departments, their responsibilities and how it relates to you as a P.A.


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