Music@e-Contest 2020 / CAT:E / Piano / Demir Zengin (Turkey)

Описание к видео Music@e-Contest 2020 / CAT:E / Piano / Demir Zengin (Turkey)

Music@e-Contest 2020
The most popular international online music contest.
FREE application 15.March.2020-15.June.2020

Clair de lune , C.A.Debussy

I was born in İzmir in 2004. Started music with drum at the age of 7. Won the second price in The International Young Talents Competation with drums in 2017. Started Hakki Derekoylu Fine Arts Music High School 2018 and started getting piano lesson in October 2018 for the first time.

I have been playing since then and piano has become my ambition.


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