Tuy Hoa Vietnam undiscovered paradise 4k

Описание к видео Tuy Hoa Vietnam undiscovered paradise 4k

We get off the beaten path in south central Vietnam to the exotic beautiful coastal city of Tuy Hua mostly undiscovered by western travelers except for the hardcore ones. Immerse yourself in the Vietnamese culture of the local people while also discovering some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. There are many other attractions such as the Nghinh Phong Tower which will literally take your breath away. We try the local cuisine and visit the jaw dropping Chua Thanh Luong Pagoda. We end the video visiting the undescribble Ghenh Da Dia beach consisting of volcanic rocks columns and gorgeous beaches, . It"s like being on another planet, if that planet was incredibly tropical . It was enlisted as a national heritage site in 1998. My promise to you is every frame is all killer, all thriller, and no filler!!!
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