Best Water Gun 2024 | 2020s Spyra Vs 1990s Supersoaker

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Best Water Gun 2024

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part 2
when the spyra guns blow up
   • Spyra 2 and Spyra LX Faulty Problems ...  

What is the best watergun money can buy in 2022? in the battle for most powerful watergun between the new Spyra tictok gun and the classic Supersoaker. Who will reign supreme?

if you grew up in the 90s, you will be very well aware of the supersoaker waterguns! Starting with the supersoaker 50, then into the XP series, then XXP and the CPS, finally with the quick fill nozzles of the monster series.

The Supersoaker CPS2000 Mk1 was the worlds most controversial watergun being banned for being too powerful. But now spyra are claiming that they are the most powerful watergun in the world. Did they get banned too? are their claims true or false?

There is no doubt that spyra make some amazing waterguns. Fun and exiting with their unique electric technology. But are they really the most powerful.

Which waterpistol will you buy this summer as we go into 2022?


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