Beyblade - Damian's Hades Drive Remix

Описание к видео Beyblade - Damian's Hades Drive Remix


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Use cases:
You may use my music anywhere, and for whatever reason EXCEPT for:
Uploading it and claiming it as your own
If you want to reupload my music, you can, but you MUST clearly state it was created by me. (example - The title of a video showing my music only "Spiffy - [track name]".)
Any other use you have for my music must have credit, but it doesn't need to be clearly stated. (example - a video which features the music in part or whole but not as the main attraction can have the credit in the description, anywhere, "Music: Spiffy - [track name]".)
You may remix it however you want, however you MUST clearly state the original track was created by me.


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