How a Tupperware Bowl is made - BRANDMADE.TV

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How a Tupperware bowl is designed and made. BRANDMADE.TV
When is a bowl not just a bowl - When it is a Tupperwear.
Though Earl Tupper is credited as the man who invented Tupperware, his contributions to plastic go further than the history of Tupperware. He was the pioneer who developed a way to purify a waste product called polyethylene slag into a plastic that was flexible, clear, and durable.

History - The bowl according to Earl.

Born on a farm in Berlin, NH, Earl Tupper was innovative even as a child. He built devices that made his family's farm work easier, received a patent for a frame used to dress chickens for sale, and came up with the idea of selling the family produce door-to-door, dramatically increasing sales.

After running his own landscape and nursery business until The Depression forced him out of business, Earl Tupper began working at the DuPont Chemical Company. After one year, knowledge and experience gained there led him to form his own company, Tupperware.

Tupperware® brand products made their debut in 1946, the start of a revolutionary post-war period in history. For 60 years, Tupperware brand products have closely followed rollercoaster trends from the suburban movement to the 60's feminist revolution to '90s "cocooning" continually adding a unique organizational touch to the lives and kitchens across the nation.

How the Tupperware party began -- The Brownie Wise Story.
Brownie Wise was an experienced business woman – she worked in the 40’s for Stanley home products where she learned about the home sales party business. When Tupperware began she took note and realized that since their products needed demonstrating, they would do better with the home party method rather than being sold in department stores. She left Stanley, moved to Florida in 1950 with her son (she was divorced) and opened a business called Tupperware Patio Parties and began to sell more than the stores.
Caught the attention of Earl Tupper who hired her and made her Tupperware’s Vice President
Florida became the home of Tupperware’s sales force
Tupperware was taken out of stores and sold exclusively at home parties – business thrived.
Wise came up with the “jubilee” concept – a 4 days sales meeting that mixed product knowledge with fun.
She was a fantastic motivator and offered incentives and rewards (to women who rarely received any kind of recognition or appreciation in other areas of their lives).
-Brownie Wise rewarded her sales force with minks and modern appliances at extravagant annual jubilees which the company filmed. Her saleswomen earned thousands, even millions, selling Tupperware. And the experience changed their lives.
Sales soared and with almost no advertising, Tupperware achieved an incredibly high level of brand awareness.

As the company grew, she appeared on talk shows and magazine covers (first woman on cover of Business Week). Eventually Tupper became jealous of her acclaim. She became increasingly difficult and, in 1958, he fired her from the multi-million dollar company she helped to make successful. She was compensated with only one year’s salary.

Her time with Tupperware was short-lived but her influence lives on in other companies like Mary Kay Cosmetics that adopted her proven methods.


The covered bowl featured in this video was made in Hemingway, South Carolina.


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