Interior designer cervical radiculopathy, neck pain, disc - "Could I be paralyzed by ACDF surgery?"

Описание к видео Interior designer cervical radiculopathy, neck pain, disc - "Could I be paralyzed by ACDF surgery?"

Katarina was fine until last September. While playing tennis she felt severe neck and right arm pain. Since then her life has turned upside down. A busy interior designer, she can now barely work a computer mouse. In addition to the depressing level of pain, her right hand is getting weaker. She wants to get better, but she's afraid of surgery. In particular, what about paralysis?

Not likely.

ACDF (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion) surgery is a procedure that is commonly performed to alleviate symptoms related to degenerative disc disease or herniated discs in the neck. As with any surgery, there are risks involved, and it is technically true that one potential risk of ACDF surgery is paralysis.

However, paralysis as a result of ACDF surgery is relatively rare. The procedure is typically performed by a skilled and experienced orthopedic spine surgeon or neurosurgeon who takes great care to avoid damaging the spinal cord or nerves.

While paralysis is not a big risk, there are a lot of other things to consider. Watch my conversation with this lady and see if any of her concerns are your own as well.

0:00 Cervical radiculopathy is radiating pain, numbness and weakness due to compression or inflammation of a nerve root in the neck.
1:35 Most cases of cervical radiculopathy resolve on their own within 12 weeks.
2:00 Sadness and even clinical depression often accompany chronic pain.
2:23 Magnetic resonance imaging of the neck is the most sensitive way to show the cause of cervical radiculopathy.
3:01 Deformity is a deviation in structure from normal
3:39 C5/6-disc problems cause C6 radiculopathy with pain in the forearm, numbness between the thumb and first finger, and weakness in wrist extension.
5:00 The usual treatment for a herniated disc in the neck is rest, NSAIDs moist heat for 3 weeks followed by MRI.
06:05 Epidural injection is a good way to get short-term relief as you heal.
06:43 Paralysis due to surgery is everyone's worst fear, but the actual risk is very low and typically less than the risk without surgery.
07:33 clumsy hands, arm numbness on both sides, difficulty walking, bowel and bladder dysfunction are signs of spinal cord injury.
0815 Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)
09:15 The scar from an ACDF is often so small and blended into the neck it's not noticed.
09:50 Dysphagia is the name doctors give to swallowing problems.
10:12 Hoarseness comes form injury or traction to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
10:30 The schedule for recovery
10;47 A cervical collar is optional after ACDF surgery - check with your surgeon.
11:28 ACDF - anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
13:00 How to find a good spine surgeon for ACDF

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