( The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll ) Learn English Through Story Level 1. Basic English Beginners.

Описание к видео ( The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll ) Learn English Through Story Level 1. Basic English Beginners.

   / @easyenglishabraão  
*The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll - Learn English Through Story Level 1. Basic English Beginners*

Welcome to the Easy English Abraão channel! In this video, students will enjoy "Learn English Through Story Level 1." This is a famous story about Dr. Jekyll, his experiments, and a shocking secret that changes his life.

Dr. Jekyll is a kind doctor, but he creates a potion that changes him into the evil Mr. Hyde. Strange events follow, and the truth surprises everyone. “Graded Reader Level 1” makes this story fun and easy to learn.

The book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was written in 1886 by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894). It’s a literary classic sold in millions. This book is popular in the UK, USA, and Germany. The genre is mystery.

This video uses “Learn English Through Story Level 1.” The language is simple and easy. “Graded Reader Level 1” adapts the story for beginners. It’s perfect for students who want to practice English while enjoying a classic tale.

Key words include “doctor,” “potion,” “evil,” and “secret.” Phrases like “change into” and “double life” are interesting to learn. “Learn English Through Story Basic.” These words help beginner students improve their English vocabulary step by step.

The sentences in this story are short and clear. The structure is easy for beginners. “Graded Reader Level 1” uses simple grammar and vocabulary. “Learn English Through Story Basic.” This helps students focus and learn faster.

Stories like this help students stay interested. “Graded Reader Level 1” makes learning fun and exciting. “Learn English Through Story Basic” helps build confidence in English while enjoying thrilling stories like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Robert Louis Stevenson, the author, was born in Scotland in 1850. His book is in the public domain, so anyone can use it. Stevenson’s works influenced literature and films. This story shows 19th-century culture and ideas about good and evil.

Watch this video several times. Pause to repeat sentences. Use the PDF to follow along with the story. Reading and listening together help improve understanding. This method is great for beginners who are learning English.

Leave a comment below! Tell us your favorite part of the story. Ask questions about the words or phrases. Your comments help you practice writing and stay motivated. We are here to support your learning!

Challenge yourself: Write five sentences using words like “potion” or “secret.” Practice reading them aloud. Share your sentences in the comments! Small challenges like this make learning English fun and help you remember new words.

The PDF of this story is available at the link below. Use it to read while listening. PDFs help students review vocabulary and grammar. It’s a great tool for beginners to study English with classic stories.

Don’t give up! Keep learning English with “Learn English Through Story Level 1.” Every step brings improvement. Practice daily, enjoy stories, and believe in your progress. With effort, your English will get better and better!

All videos in PDF are available to subscribers of the Easy English Abraão channel. These PDFs make studying easy and fun. Subscribe to the Easy English Abraão channel for more resources to help you learn English!

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