Pokémon Battle Revolution Wi-Fi Friend Battle 26: Vs. tipharrisfan007

Описание к видео Pokémon Battle Revolution Wi-Fi Friend Battle 26: Vs. tipharrisfan007

This must be my battle against tipharrisfan007, he's quite a good battler. But I'm at a huge Level Disadvantage, my Ditto and Gastrodon are at a Low Level, Salamence and Blaziken are quite ok, and Lucario and Metagross are quite high enough. tipharrisfan007's Swampert was quite powerful in this battle, if you watch this video. This shows my good battle with him.
I used: Ditto, Blaziken, Gastrodon, Salamence, Metagross and Lucario
tipharrisfan007 used: Breloom (Shiny), Swampert, Hitmonlee, Metagross, Arcanine and Electabu (Electabuzz)


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