Warframe Sanctum Hidden Rooms Compilation (Dante Update)

Описание к видео Warframe Sanctum Hidden Rooms Compilation (Dante Update)

A collection of clips showing the hidden/locked rooms and gates and how to access them in the Sanctum Anatomica Labs Tileset after the Dante Unbound update for Warframe (April 2024).

0:00 - Gate beneath stairs with tubes on the side wall. Enter via a breakable wall grate on top of the stairs in a side corridor. You can lower the gate by shooting the reactive crystal once inside.
0:54 - Small end circular room. Up high in ceiling is a ledge where Voca may occasionally spawn.
1:32 - Gate at the end of a bridge with 4 globes. Above is a giant statue. One of the globe is not lit. Use your operator to shoot it and light it up. The gate will open.
2:09 - Locked/Yellow door near the exit platform. There is a breakable grate up and to the left of the exit platform. Shoot & parkour to it to lead to the room.
2:55 - Twin Locked yellow doors. Go up to the central top area and you'll find a ramp with a breakable ceiling grate (the other 3 ramps have no grates)
3:54 - Brain room. There is breakable ceiling grate on the top left as you look towards the brain. Break it, parkour up to it to enter the hidden room.
5:05 - Sand Desert movable wall. Not really a hidden room. But wait for the wall to move up to enter the small area/room.
5:58 - Survival/Disruption Starting Tile with the electric coils and a yellow locked door. Entrance is via a small lift on an upper corridor wall. You need to shoot either of the lighted clamps on your left or right once you stand on the lift.
7:02 - Pendulum room. Shoot 2 reactive crystals with operator on either side of pendulum. Then hack central console. The yellow door will open shortly.
8:15 - Tree room. Beneath the central tree are breakable gates you can use to enter. Above the tree is a breakable gate as well.
9:43 - End room with a statue's hand reaching up to the ceiling. Shoot the reactive crystal on the platform to open the ceiling door.
10:47 - End room with 4 orbs on ground and 4 vents above. Shoot the reactive crystal in the ceiling in the middle of the ceiling vents. The floor will lower. Go up a tunnel to unlock the yellow door.
11:56 - Small end room with a shaft going down on a side wall.
12:46 - Room with helicopter like platforms above connected to upper torso of a statue. There are breakable grates at the base leading to a tunnel.
13:40 - Requiem Glyph end room. This is a big room with bluish chandelier-like lights. There is a podium at the bottom platform. Activate it to reveal 4 glyphs. Then shoot the glyphs in order. The various glyphs are on walls or pillars throughout the room. Once all 4 are shot in the correct order, the floor in front of the podium will slide open to reveal a basement.
15:49 - Sand Desert hidden area. There is an opening partially concealed with falling sand-like waterfall (there is also another entrance at the other end). Once inside, there is a movable wall and behind it a small hidden area.
17:04 - Sand Desert hidden area. There is a narrow corridor leading to a cliff with a strong light emitting at the end. Once you reach the end, turn around and look up. There is an opening to a small hidden area.


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