Palden Drukgi miser tshu (citizens of bhutan) heart-touching tribute song by Bhutanese singers.

Описание к видео Palden Drukgi miser tshu (citizens of bhutan) heart-touching tribute song by Bhutanese singers.

"Palden drukgi miser tshu" is an emotional heart-touching song by bhutanese old singers ( lopen sonam yeshey, Nidup dorji, Dechen pem, Lhamo drukpa and Namkha lham ) This song is too deep that it reminds every single citizens of Bhutan should remember the day back in 2003. Our king is so generous and great that he cares for the people of Bhutan more than himself . we should stand and come forward for the nation whenever in need. we shouldn't hide when the situation like in 2003 war and this current covid19 pandemic. we should all stand as a one and help our country when in trouble.

"Ask not what a country can do for you , ask what you can do for a country. " - His majesty the king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk.

This is a tribute video edited by Our bhutanese Actor Tshering Gyeltshen . A song is based on Lopen Sonam yeshey's original composition.

Song name - #Palden_drukgi_miser_tshu
singers - #Sonam_yeshey

Video source-#bbs & actor tshering_gyeltshen's Facebook page.

I uploaded this video to reach out to all of our YouTube viewers as you will be able to download the video.
if you love our country Bhutan , do watch this video.

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