Someone Explain This To Me. What Is Actually Happening?

Описание к видео Someone Explain This To Me. What Is Actually Happening?


Previously, my total circuit (input) consumption was about 5A to 9A. There was massive power loss in the transformer although we had high-voltage at the cells (with gas production). This inherently made my setup inefficient, and consume more power than traditional DC electrolysis.

I seem to have flipped the script on that. With this configuration, the input duty pulse-width can be effectively reduced from 50 - 85% down to as low as 9 - 15%!!!!!!!!!!!! What we see here is the "flyback" phenomenon in action. During the input pulse OFF-time, a positive polarity pulse is generated and sustained for 85% of the entire pulse cycle! Even better, it inherently keeps amp flow at the cell below at 80mA as well! That's simply ridiculous.

Thanks to the VIC Matrix Switchboard, I've discovered a means to utilize the very property of the Flyback Transformer (VIC) to deliver high-voltage without amp-influx. Now, if the transformer can be re-designed to achieve a higher voltage level and perhaps truly Equal Opposite Polarity Pulses, we (in theory) could create massive amounts of hydrogen at a power consumption level that would (possibly) place this device above the traditional DC electrolysis efficiency level.

Sadly, not much work has been done since the creation of this video (August 2023), and these last few videos, yet to be uploaded. Life has swallowed me whole and this passion obviously does not pay me in any way. Perhaps I should start a GoFundMe, as I do see some of these 'researchers' getting paid out here. I can only imagine what I would be capable of if I didn't have a full-time business to operate and the rest that life has to offer me.

It's been a full year since this video was recorded. My bench right now is practically like you see in this video, only a little dustier. It be like this though. I'll spend a chunk of time and envelop my self on any given project, only to have it sit on a shelf for years, before I (can) pick it back up and continue the journey. I think it's time...


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